My Favorite Films, Plague Edition (Volume 19): An Unknown Soviet Director hits the Emote Button

The Ascension (aka The Ascent) (1977) Directed by Larisa Efimovna Shepitko Starring Boris Plotnikov and Vladimir Gostyukhin The 1970’s have featured prominently in my film reviews. It was a golden era, tapping on responses to 1960’s turmoil to make films that explored human rebellion and the very role of mankind. And I have not yet even gotten to Deliverance, Taxi Driver, and The Godfather. Amidst the Cold War and all these great US films, I was totally unaware of a thriving film industry in the Soviet Union. Many of these films were shown only in the Eastern Bloc and at film festivals. But they are now more available on the Criterion Channel and elsewhere. The titans of Soviet film remain the great innovators Sergei Eisenstein (1898-1948, The Battleship Potemkin, Boris Gudunov ) and Andrei Tarkovsky (1932-1986, Solaris, Mirror ). Interestingly, while the Soviet dictators often repressed music, opera, and theater, they often left filmmakers alone, and a whole group of ...