Sartre's No Exit in a Lisbon Classroom
After moving to Portugal, I wondered what I would need to do to see English language theater, other than fly to London. Well, it turns out that there are at least a couple of good English language troops in Lisbon, mostly featuring Portuguese actors who are fluent in English. I saw one doing Sartre’s Huis Clos ( aka No Exit) last week. I vaguely remember reading this play in college, mostly as an example of existential philosophy. So I was expecting some tough, dense sledding. Not so! Done in an updated translation that included modern social references (social media, WiFi, etc), this was a very accessible play, not at all heavily philosophical. The crisp direction and three talented young actors created a lively evening that never lagged or became enmeshed in philosophic navel-gazing. The play, depicting three recent arrivals in hell, was performed in a dingy, deconstructed small classroom in the dark, gloomy National Museum of Natural History and Science in Lisbon. You had to walk ...