Theater Review: Eureka Day hysterically tackles the anti-vacc movement

Eureka Day Written by Jonathan Spector Directed by Adrienne Campbell-Hoyt Colt Coeur Theater Company Walkerspace, Manhattan September 13, 2019 The title of this play is a double entendre. It’s set in a classroom of the Eureka Day School, a private elementary school modeled on a Waldorf School. But, in the process of the play, a few characters also have Eureka! moments as they wrestle with the thorny issue of as a crisis of a mumps outbreak among unvaccinated kids splits the oh-so-tolerant parents into virulent camps. This is indeed a hot button issue, as described in this recent article in Politico . Some of the extreme language referenced in the article (e.g. comparisons to Nazis) comes up in the play as the parents wrestle with the issue. The playwright is based in the San Francisco bay area, and the play speaks the progressive language (often mockingly) so associated with that region. It’s a very funny play, especially in Act 1 as the parental conflict en...