Theater Review: Sam Shepard’s True West: Real Men from Another Era (or Planet)
True West By Sam Shepard Starring Ethan Hawke and Paul Dano Directed by James MacDonald American Airlines Theater, Manhattan January 27, 2019 This excellent production of Sam Shepard’s 1980 drama True West was jolting, and reminded me of how much society has changed in 40 years. Seeing Ethan Hawke and Paul Dano assault each other’s egos, strut their masculinity, and neglect, demean, or lust after their women felt like some sort of time capsule from an era when men were men, women were women, and vive la diff é rence . We now live in an era where blandly reassuring young men in TV commercials are fussing over the kids, where transgenderism (either real or affected), is all the rage, and where “male aggression” is pretty much a felony. And, by the way, where women are not so marginalized, typecast, and condescended to as they were in the past. Well, that was not Sam Shepard’s world in 1980. Shepard (1943-2017) wrote 44 plays, won a Pulitzer for one ( Buried Child ) and a...