Theater: an overrated Hamilton fails to deliver

Hamilton Book, Music, and Lyrics by Lin-Manuel Miranda The Private Bank Theater, Chicago IL September 7, 2017 Directed by Thomas Kail Starring Miguel Cervantes, Gregory Treco, Ari Afsar, Jonathan Kirkland, and Chris De’Sean Lee It's fair to say that Hamilton is quickly asserting itself as the most important musical of our time. Miranda's revolutionary musical gets people thinking about race, history, and theater in ways they're probably not used to. -Chris Weller, Business Insider The hip-hop musical Hamilton won multiple Tony Awards in 2016 and has been lauded as a brilliant, transformative, entirely original masterpiece by many theater critics. I finally caught up to it in Chicago, where it has played for the past year. Tickets there are about ½ the $400-700 price on Broadway, and could actually be obtained the week of the show. Despite the palpable excitement and anticipation in the theater, the show failed to deliver a clear point of view, compelling music...