Film: The Darkness (Las Tienieblas), a spooky atmospheric thriller

Las Tenieblas (The Darkness) Directed by Daniel Castro Zimbrón The Film Society of Lincoln Center is presenting a horror film festival this summer, not what one usually expects at this bastion of esoteric art films. But these are not the typical US slasher movies—each exhibits a strong director’s presence and artful visuals. I saw a very interesting example, The Darkness by Mexican-born director Daniel Castro Zimbrón. The plot, quite confusing and mysterious, centers on a family of a violent, rustic woodsman with his three children living in a cabin in a very spooky foggy forest. He locks them in the basement each night, creating a steady subliminal suspicion of some sort of child abuse, but this incarceration is actually protective, as the cabin is irregularly visited by some sort of unseen earthquake-evoking monster presence, wonderfully evoked by the sounds of the movie. There is much chopping up of hunted animals, creepy puppet manufacture, and nighttime fright sounds. The ...