Theater: Blackbird an emotional workout

I am innately suspicious of star vehicles. I seem less wired to admire someone for who they are/have been for what they can now do. ENTPs are like that sometimes. Overall, I usually evaluate the theater, opera, etc. more for the overall quality of the play and production than for the individual performance, with some exceptions (seeing imperfect versions of Birgit Nilsson at 60 or Vladimir Horowitz at 80, e. g.). So I have little patience for opera and ballet queens who discuss the performers rather than the performance. That said, I enjoyed seeing Jeff Daniels and Michelle Williams flog one another at Blackbird , the intense and excellent two character play by David Harrower. Seeing it the day after a well-reviewed but mostly tedious The Crucible , I admired the play's taut construction. It gets to its point quickly and ratchets up the tension with a constant forward motion mostly absent in the Arthur Miller play, which seemed glacially l...