Theater: The Sensuality Play is a sexy, creative blast

Imagine your first day at college. You wander among unfamiliar buildings, trying to find your classroom. Once found, you calculatingly choose a seat and try to divine who your classmates are from their dress, body language, and verbal/nonverbal behavior. Who is hot? Who seems like one to avoid? All this was my actual experience in arriving at The Sensuality Play , a remarkable experience presented by The New Group and written by the young playwright Justin Kuritzkes. The structure was daring...6 actors scattered among 7 audience members in a circle of chairs, sans props, conventional stage effects, or costumes, all in a normal classroom at of one of several NYC colleges (I attended at Lehman College in the Bronx, in what appeared to be a dance rehearsal room, bare of furniture except for the chairs). Who around you was an actor, who was in the audience? (only clue--the actors did not have programs) The play began with the remarkable (presence, eyes) Jake Horowitz s...