Theater: Mercury Fur is a punch below the belt

I saw the remarkable Mercury Fur twice, since after one viewing I thought I missed some plot twists and dialogue, and because I wanted to sit closer to the violence. The play by Philip Ridley, an English pioneer in so-called "in yer face theater", defined on Wikipedia as "Vulgar, shocking, and confrontational material on stage as a means of involving and affecting their audiences", does just that, and left me exhilarated. He uses numbing violence somewhat like Quentin Tarantino does, but without the smugness and with an effort to make serious points. The production was stunning, set in a old warehouse, and requiring audience members to climb through the set and assorted debris to get to their seats (some of which were old dubious stuffed chairs). The play begins in complete darkness which is penetrated effectively by the young cast members entering with flashlights. From here on, the play and production relentlessly and effectively communicate the vibe of being ...